Friday 1 April 2016

Benefits of intranet

Benefits of intranet
The main benefits of intranet are-
·   Better internal communications- the corporate information can be stored centrally and accesse at any time.
·  Sharing of resources and best practise- a virtual community can be created to facilitate information sharing and collaborative working.
·  Improved customer services- the better access to accurate and consistent information by the staff leads to enhanced levels of customer service.
· Reduction in paperwork- the forms can be accessed and completed on the desktop, and then forwarded as appropriate for approval, without ever having to be printed out, and with the benefit of an audit trail.
·   Only internal communication- this will help to give your internet communications their own identity and prevent employees confusing internal and external information.
·  Official channel- using the intranet as an official channels to post information for all employees to discourage gossip and avoids creating a transparency gap.

·    Saves time and money- the intranet saves time of employees as they have access only to the corporate network thus no external communication. It is less costly than internet.

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