Friday 1 April 2016

Which aspects you will keep in mind while facing the interview?

Which aspects you will keep in mind while facing the interview?

Ans. Following aspects have to be kept in mind while facing the job interview:
        i.            Introduction- the first and foremost thing is to introduce you. The way you greet and introduce puts the first impression on the interviewer. Be confident and greet the interviewer by taking his correct name and a firm handshake. Then wait till you are asked to be seated and sit with an erect posture. It conveys a good image of the interviewee.

      ii.            Non- verbal communication- the non verbal communication depicts your behaviour. It reflects how confident and attentive you are while facing the interview. You should have direct contact with the interviewee, facial gestures should be positive, generally a smile on the face and nodding head as necessary to pretend that you are listening to all important aspects during the interview.

    iii.            While interviewing- while answering the questions of the interviewer, the interviewee should show interest in the job. He should do some homework of the organisation for answering the questions. He may also ask relevant questions whenever possible. The interview should be made two way communication process by the interviewee.

    iv.            Honesty- the interviewee should avoid giving unnecessary answers for the questions he don’t know. He should give answers honestly instead of giving vague or fake answers, pretending being over smart. Don’t be over smart. The employers prefer candidates who are honest with their answers during the interview.

      v.            Positive answers- the positive answers depict how positively you handle the interview questions. You should give positive feedback even for the worst negative question. For example- why you left the previous job? Instead of answering that I don’t like this and that about the organisation, you can say because I want the growth in my specialised field. So the answers have to be handled very tactfully by the interviewee.

    vi.            Salary discussion- the salary discussion is always initiated by the interviewer. the salary expectation may be asked for discussing salary, so avoid giving particular figures, instead indicate a range. Before answering about your expectation, first do self assessment.

 Closing the interview- this part is as much important as the introduction one. The closing is indicated by the interviewer either by words or by giving facial expression. Then the interviewee must thank the interviewer and give a firm handshake. With the handshake, you may also ask for the email-id of the interviewer so that you can send the interview feedback to the organisation. 

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